MrCoffee sez:

Click on player to treat your senses to the sounds of brewing coffee!

listen to the "tune", hear it "perking", you can almost "smell" it brewing, go ahead "sip it", but watch out its "HOT" enjoy that "HOT JAVA"!

OOOOOO K.... Now that you are sitting there enjoying that cup of Coffee Please read on...This is my personal disclaimer and it goes something like this---All the things on my page are of a humorous nature, "PG Rated", and are intended for a few laughs...So if you are of the type that does not enjoy adult humorous stuff then by all means..PLEASE..exit this page immediatly before you REALLY start enjoying yourself and the rest of which you are about to embark on and hopefully enjoy. And now, with all that out of the way...."lets--get--busy"

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STORMY, my little can-american...18mos...

Welcome one and all to my homepage. And now your wondering why am I going by "MRCOFFEE", right?? Well, yes I drink my fair share of the hot java. So I have decided to call this my "Home of the COFFEE" page..and any or all ingredients one may use or want to include in there come on in and sit a spell and enjoy some humor. In case you have'nt noticed there is a subliminal message on this page, so let your mind wander.
My favorite things for relaxing and enjoying are: spending time surfing the web, kicking back with that fresh brewed cup of the good stuff at a Barnes and Noble Book Store, while, of course, educating myself with all the books.
Keep an eye "OUT" on this page, come back often...things will change when you least expect it.

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