his is a collection of my thoughts. Some rantings and ravings on life, society, animals among other things.

You ever meet people that seem like a reflection of yourself? You go through life thinking that there is no one else like you. That no one can possilby think what you think ad feel what you feel... Then ne day you meet someone that is alot like you. They say things that you think before you even know you are thinking them. That just happened recenlty. I met a girl she has my birthday my interests and my thoughts. A little bit freaky and alot nifty! Makes me wonder how many other people there are out there like that. Walking around with my exact same thoughts and ideals.

I have been very aggravated with the way that people do not seem to care anymore. People come day in and day out to live the routine of sleeping, eating and working. Does anyone ever take the time to step outside themselves and view all of their surroundings? I absolutely hate watching the news and I think that is the only thing that most people see of the world around them. I guess when people view the world through the news they can not help but be bitter and feel helpless to change anything. Maybe if the world was seen in more of a positive light people wouldn't do alot of the irresponsible, cruel things that they do. Maybe we are truly a product of our environment. I hope that this is not true. I have changed my views and I have tried my best to do what is right and to live with compassion despite the affects of the environmental stimuli. I still truly believe that people can change for the better and that the world is still worth trying to save. It is very frustrating to hear people say I don't care if the environment is polluted and I don't care how the Earth's creatures are treated. How can anyone truly believe this? Without the Earth and all of it's creatures we would all be dead. People need to open their eyes and remember this everytime they say I don't care.

With all of the talk about the Colorado shootings on the news I have been getting very pissed off. The news is portaying the whole incident as if their musical taste or choice in clothing made them do what they did. What a crock. I have been into the goth lifestyle for a long time now and I am a completely non-violent person. It is completely ridiculous to blame a person's actions on what clothes they wear or music they listen to. If it is that easy then I want to start finding things to blame all of my problems on *LOL*


Lying awake at night thinking about all of the things you have to do or didn't do is evil.

Having a cold nose in winter sucks.

If there was no time people would get more done since time hinders and haunts people

There is no true love like that of a puppy

Frogs are true princes not mere men

To be or not to be.. What kind of question is that?

Only in true darkness can you really see the stars

To be normal is to sell out

In the darkness of the night sometimes life shines so clearly

To embrace compassion is divine

Words are worth nothing an action is worth everything

How can you miss someone you have never met?

Taking Risks is the Only Way to Live

One Day with Someone Special is Worth A Lifetime with Someone Ordinary

Why is is sometimes you can be so tired but not be able to sleep?

Sometimes things seem so clear and then other times you feel so lost.


The other day I was in Subway getting a veggie sub. The man who made my sub was from India and was also a vegetarian. He has never eaten meat due to religious beliefs. We got into a conversation on vegetarianism. I have come to the conclusions that the only way most people can eat meat is to have it neatly packaged for them at the store. I think that if people want to eat meat and feel that killing an animal is worth having a steak to dine on for dinnner they should have to actually raise and kill the animal themselves. If you think about it it is the only noble thing to do. Take responsibility for your desires and choices. You should not be able to hide behind a piece of styrafoam covered in plastic wrap so that your hands or for that matter your conscience does not get dirty.


I have been doing alot of thinking lately on animals. I go to the animal shelters and see all of the unwanted dogs and cats and have to wonder how can people be so cruel. You get an animal it is yours for life. not just until you have no more time for it. If you can not make a lifetime commitment to your animals then do not get them and do not breed animals either. Why can't the world jut see what damage they are doing by breeding, not spaying and then abandoning their animals. I can not be content while these awful things go on. I can not be content while people do not care or choose to ignore them so they can sleep at night Everyone says well you can not save them all but I want them to go and look into the eyes of that animal and say oh well can not save them all. Instead people ignore it and walk away and lie to themselves. But where does that leave the animal. Gosh even death row inmates get company and a last meal and they do not deserve it. they are not innocent like these animals are. We treat a person that murdered another person better than we treat an animal whos only crime was to be born into a world where it would be thrown away. Then of course there is the infamous reply, "They are only animals." What exactly is that supposed to mean? Why is that humans feel they are so much better than any other living creature? What happened to respect all other living beings? This brings to mind a case in which two teenage boys broke into Noahs Ark animal haven and viciously murdered 23 cats. When the one boys father was asked to comment on the issue. He said something along the lines of, " I think this was a case of teenagers getting into mischief. It isn't like he killed or hurt people." I think that this father is completely mistaken! Now that his son has committed a violent act against an animal he is more likely to commit violence against another human. He is also more likely to commit any other form of crime. I think that anyone that can murder and mistreat animals is clearly giving off a warning sign. The sad fact is that most of the time it goes unnoticed. Society sadly feels that when violence happens to an animal that it is in some way less heinous than the same violent act that is perpetrated onto another human.

The things I hate in this world are:


Bad Movies With Even Worse Actors


People that are too SERIOUS


Straightlaced Religious Zealots


People that are Afraid to be Themselves

Excuse, Excuses, Excuses

Cruelty and Suffering

Stupid Mindless TV

Littering and Pollution

People That Don't Care

Endless Rows of Shopping Malls

Junk Mail, Junk E-mail and for that Matter Junk Anything

Waiting for things that Never Seem to Come.. i.e Phone Calls, Things in the Mail

Expectations, Expectations, Expectations

POP-UP Adds for Geocities/Tripod!!!

Judgmental, Pompous, Intolerant People

Thinking too Much


Things that I Like are:

Puppy Dogs

Body Piercing

Dave Navarro *Positively Yummy*

Shelves Filled with Interesting Books

All Things Dark and Interesting

Fuzzy Animals or not so Fuzzy Animals for that Matter

Sunny Days with only wispy Cirrus Clouds

Intelligent, Stimulating Conversation


Foreign Customs and Traditions

People that say Bless You When You Sneeze

Warm Fuzzy Blankets on Cold, Dark Nights

Beautiful Paintings and Poetry

Things that Give you that Tingley feeling in your Tummy

Getting Letters in the Mail from Friends

Combat Boots on a Man *sexy*

Songs that Make you Think

The Wind in My Hair and the Rain on My Face

Reesce's Peanutbutter Cups

Boxer Shorts!!!

Thinking too Much

Mountain Dew

Raspberries Yummy!

Sometimes life makes you wonder. You look around and see everyone going through life with little excitement or out of the ordinary happenings. To me that is sad. Why are we here? Is there really any need for one more body to work a nine to five job and raise 2.5 children? Conforming is not something that I give into. I just can't bare the thought of waking up one day and realizing that it is all over. That my best years are gone and that it was all spent doing a bunch of things that I can't even really remember. I want to live and experience everything that I can. I want to see the way others live! I want to explore and learn and teach. Unfortunately to do these things takes alot of chance and courage. If you flop on your face from not conforming then nobody has any sympathy for you because you asked for it" I am coming to learn that sometimes it is good to ask for it; to challenge the norm and take on the unknown. I still struggle with this even though my life is not very conventional. There is always more that I would like to challenge in society, more that I want to experience before I die.

Being gay is not a crime. no one deserves to be degraded and looked down upon due to their sexual orientation. I find it sickening to see people hate another person because they find love in places that are not taught to be acceptable in society. You wonder why the world has so many problems when people are taught to hate others for something as unimportant as their sexual orientation. If we can not accept others when their choices do not affect anyone but themselves then how can we ever truly expect to have peace?



I myself do not have anything to do with the traditional Christian religions. Now before I get a lot of obnoxious e-mails saying I am going to hell let me also say that I believe in freedom of religion so whatever you believe in is fine with me just don't try to preach to me or tell me I am going to hell. Why is it that people feel they need to use fear to make others convert to their religion? Why not use love and enlightenment. It is beyond my comprehension that threatening someone with hell makes a person want to become part of a religion. It would make me run the other way.. Like it has *L* Religion is a very personal choice. I do not think that any religion should be persecuted. I myself have a very personal view of spirituality I do not think I could truly categorize it *nor should I have to* into any technical religious label. It is all my own and it is what I believe.

I have been giving alot of thought recently to religion. I find it very disturbing that alot of people use religion simply for selfish reasons. Religion should be something that is held sacred. Something that is special and very personal. I have found alot of people call on their religion only when it is convenient for them. Like when they need something or are in some crisis. I remember being told the story of how my Great grandmother, who was a very devoted Catholic, would walk to church in the snow when she was 80 years old. Now that is religious devotion and commitment! I am not suggesting that all people should have this level of commitment but religion and spirituality should mean more to people that it does in this society.

Some of my best thoughts come to me when things seem to be at their bleakest. When you sit outside with the wind in your hair and the stars looking down upon you. These are the times when things seem there Clearest. I long for these times...