11-12-99 Review by Shantel

    OK last night I went to the goo goo dolls concert in Austin. It was great i was front row! Anyway before the concert we found out that they were in a room greeting these people and I walked in and there they were and I was like 7 feet away from them. Of course they were surrounded by girls! *Go figure* lol Anyway, I brought my guitar so that maybe they could sign it. I was yelling, "John, John, will you sign my guitar!" THe security told me to get out. Well, my dad tried to go back in there and he came back out and said "there gone." Then this lady walks out and say's "sorry there already gone." Then that same lasy was like, "is she crying?" My Mom overheard and said like yea it's her 16th birthday (almost) and she wanted to get her guitar signed. She felt really sorry for me and she said, "OK look I'm not gonna make any promises, but, if you give me the guitar I'll take it back stage to see if I can get it signed."

So like 10-15 minutes later she comes back holding the guitar and it says happy birthday with john, Mike, and Robby's signature on it. She told me that John apologized because he messed up on the "H" of happy birthday, and that he almost wrote "Harry Birthday." She showed me how he signed it n- stuff like that. I could see his fingerprints all over it. It ends up she is the promotion marketing manager from Warner brothers records. I was so happy!

Anyway, before the concert started I met this lady that was really nice and she asked me that if I would send her the negatives from the picture I was taking and I said sure. She told me that she would make a copy of this tape that she has of the goo's. It's like really old footage from like '87 when they wer still all punk and John's hair is  like running from his face and Robby is like taking off his shirt and crowd surfing. It ends up that her birthday is on Jan 6 and mine is Jan 6 and her name is Mary Lou and my mom's name is Mary Lou so that was pretty weird, but cool.

I was sitting in my 3rd row seat and when the goo's came out I caught john's attention by holding up my guitar and he pointed and smiled at me. Then i make my way to the front row and I pulled out a pick from my pocket and I waved john down and he came over reached over the security guards as far as he could and took it! I felt his hand, and got apicture at the same time! Then later one I tried to give him one of my rings, and he saw me holding it up and he goes "wait a minute (during the song almost stopping it) I'm already married to that girl. (Some other girl who had given him a ring)." It was awesome!

John is just so gorgeous! I would get Robby's attention and he would make funny faces at me like the entire time. John told the Ricky Martin Joke and the lottery joke. But anyway it was the best goo concert ever!

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