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The Site Has Been Updated: January 7, 2005

As John Lennon once said, "Life is what happens when you make other plans."

I PLAN on doing updates on a regular basis from now on. Updates will be done SOMETIME in January, April, July and October of each year.

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Looking For Keith


Stones rolling again. Check out the official press release: news


One of my favorite Keith quotes:
"I was looking for Leonardo da Vinci's book on anatomy," the 54-year-old Richards said after his 1998 fall. "I learned a lot about anatomy, but didn't find the book."

Looking For Keith is a free flowing project where fans of Keith Richards can share their stories.

If you have met or tried to meet Keith send me a message about your experience. If you want, you can write a fictional account of meeting Keith (i.e. The Day I Met Keith) and send that.

Other suggestions for what you could write include:

My Ultimate Concert (22 songs by Keith or the Stones you would like to hear at a concert)

If I could only have five Keith CDs (solo or Stones)

I want to know why you like Keith and what his music means to you. If you would like to be interviewed, please email me. The shape of this work will very much be determined by fan input.

A Message From Keith?

From: "Keith Richards"
Subject: Keefian, ha ?
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 04:23:20 +0200

Hi Hanna-Honey...
Nice page you have there.
K.R. ;-)

Note: When I first saw the domain name on this I thought: No way Keith would ever call himself a 'pop star.' Recently I watched the Rolling Stone special on TV and Keith said that he has come to terms with being a 'pop star'. I'm not saying this is Keith, but hey, you never know! I thought it was a sweet message anyway!

Project History
Fan Stories
Feature Article
Rants and Raves
The Questionaire
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