welcome to my homepage

There are the people you have known forever...and they know you in ways no one else can, because they have seen you change. Have let you change...-angela "my so called life"

"Friendship is the bridge between lonely and loved, between a glance and a gaze. It stretches from the fog into sunshine, hopelessness into faith, between despair and joy. It crosses the chasm from hell and to heaven, from God to man, and from me unto you." -- unknown

Hi! My name is Christine. I live in Austin, TX the lovely little pseudo hollywood that's about 100 miles from what a dear friend of mine calls bethlehem on the brazos. Yes that's Baylor University which I do also happen to call my alma mater. My latest news is that Jeff and I are now the proud parents of a beautiful little boy! He really is the sweetest and I not just saying that!Wanna know what we look like? go see the NEW pictures of me and some of my friends! And if you're really curious here's a survey all about me...or visit kieberland. For a closer look into my complex psyche here are some of my poems

Links to other sites on the web

mikey's "the other side" homepage (he likes it!)
collection of pre-raphellite art
Rodin's the kiss

People have paid their respects..

"I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night...."-Sarah Williams

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