I, an underprivelaged member of the world, do not have a scanner, and since I am a poor computer graphics engineer, I am forced to borrow artwork I find on the net...
I am very grateful to those who have allowed me to use their artwork (even if they don't know it)..Here is a listing of those that I have used and links to the sites which currently display their masterpieces...
Prince of Darkness by Zak Jarvis
Hall of Haunts: Ghastly Images
Greeting the Sunset by Steve Winkler
Hall of Haunts: Ghastly Images
Autumn, Darkness, Monsters
Untitled by Tamsin Clark
Autumn, Darkness, Monsters
Autumn, Darkness, Monsters
Reaper by Glenda Kopperson
Autumn, Darkness, Monsters
Untitled by Seraphim
Serphim's Web Page
Thank You Very Much to those listed above and those who have helped me..
This includes the following:
My American Lit/British Lit/Humanities Teacher for Helping me Revise the Portion on 17th/18th century Gothicism..
and last but not least, all the ridiculously ignorant people out there for giving me something to complain about.. (you know who you are.. then again, you probably don't because you are too stupid to realize it)
If I have made any mistakes or forgotten anything.. please notify me at
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