Dr. No: I'll take "Title Changes" for $200, Pump.
Pump: Very interesting category, doctor. First of all, let me say that I
was quite disappointed with the results of the Internet Title match. I was
hoping that Hey Stack would come out the winner. I am of the opinion that
Mazin needs a character boost to become a "real" champion. Give that man a
gimmick. As for the retaining of the Tag Team Titles, that was expected as I
indicated in my Wrestlefest Predictions. The Featherweight belt: almost
changed hands, and it's unfortunate that it didn't. However, El Infierno isn't due to lose the belt yet and it's only fitting that he won. As for the WCFC World Title, I have indicated my disappointment with the result of that
match. I would have liked to see Sklar retain and hold the rights to the
title "greatest champ of all time." Although, Cleveland's personality is
championship material, I am not convinced he will hold onto the belt for an
extended period of time.
Your turn Dump's Dump
Dump's Dump: I'll take "The Unexpected" for $400, Mr. Pump.
Pump: Good choice, Dump. There were two stories that took an unexpected turn
for the better at Wrestlefest. First, was the feud between Colossus and Oil
Tanker. It's good to see that their rivalry may be coming to an end. I
wasn't totally convinced that the Tanker/Colossus battle had the full
attention of the fans. As well, the beating laid down on the owners at the
hands of "The Franchise" and the rest of the Elite was not only unexpected
for but added a bit of spark to a card that consisted of little dialogue
between the superstars. Good job, Mike, I guess you read my column from a few
weeks back.
Dump's Dump, choose again.
Dump's Dump: I'll take "In Your Face" for $200, Mr. Pump.
Pump: Ahhh yes, in your face. Wasn't it finally nice to see Big Mama beat Crank at his own game and get the last laugh in a feud that saw Crank punish Sling for a few weeks prior to Wrestlefest. I think the dilemma as to who is the leader of the Zoo Crew has most definetly been solved. As well, Dan Heart showed Hunk of Dump who the true king of hardcore was after Dump had beaten Crank at the Madness card prior to Wrestlefest. It may be a while before anyone can dethrone Heart of his title. Lastly, The "Ego" showed Ben Xeric who was boss and ended his career in the WCFC. I, for one, am extremely pleased regarding the result of that match considering Xeric's character had been on free fall for the last few weeks.
Dr. No: How about "The Disappointments" for $600, Pump.
Pump: Okay, doctor, now you get to choose the answer. Here is your
question: By far and away which match produced the most disappointing
result at the PPV?
a) Sugar Daddy's absence
b) Bohnen family splitting up
c) Vic Rattlehead's loss to the still undefeated Kookamunda
Dr. No: I would think c), Pump.
Pump: Good answer, doctor. Without a doubt, Rattlehead's loss to Kookamunda
was unexpected. Kookamunda may be a force, but when is he going to lose??? He
has never won the belt and as a matter of fact, he has never even had a title
shot. So why can't anyone beat him? If he is so unstoppable, grant him a
title shot at a PPV. Rattlehead's loss was also disappointing, because he had
the best chance to win out of anyone who ever faced Kookamunda, considering the beatings he handed down at prior Madness cards.
Okay, contestants, time is up. We will now start Final Jeopardy. The
category is... "who is the next #1 contender for the WCFC World Title?"
(30 seconds pass)
Dr. No: Who is "The Essence" Shawn Mecklinger?
Hunk of Dump's Dump: Who is Kookamunda?
Pump: Unfortunately, I do not have the answer to this question, but I will award you both points for picking two superstars who may very well end up being the next #1 contender for the WCFC World Title. My guess is that it will be one of those two, or "The Franchise" Mike Coristine, who has an outside shot.
Thank you for playing WCFC Jeopardy. Until next week this is...