Famous Chris Jericho Quotes

"I am The Lionheart Chris Jericho!"

"I am the man of 1004 holds"

"It will never, eeevver, happen again"

"It will never, and trust me when I say this, eeevver happen again"

"It will never, eeevver, happen again, thank you"

"Don't boo me! Don't you boo me!"

"I am your role model, your paragon of virtue!"

"You like me! You really, really like me!"

"Look at me when I'm talking to you"

"There is no way that Prince Nakamake is within the cruiserweight limit of 225 lbs, like me, a trim 224 3/4 lbs"

"I dedicate this match to Dean Malenko"

"Let's go Quasy-Juice!"

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