My name is Chris Gaudette, otherwise known to the internet world as TrevorQ.
I have designed this page in order to collect some of the music
that I have written in one place and share it with the rest of the world.
As well as downloadable songs in MP3 format, I also provide links to other
music sites which may be of interest, and I hope to have semi-regular columns and reviews
dedicated to the music of others, and the music scene as a whole. So read, download,
and enjoy. If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, e-mail me at
I would really like to here what you think of my music.
Because of some difficulties with my web host, I've had to enact a new system for downloads.
From now on, to download from this site, you must go to HERE
and log in with the username TQUser and password roaddogg. You will then be taken to shared folder containing all of the mp3's on
this page, and you can download the songs from there. I appologize for the confusing nature of this system, but it is quite difficult to find places on the net that
will allow you to post over 40 megs of mp3's for free.
My first real band was Trevor's Quest, which was, for all intents and purposes,
a metal band. We played around in different styles and sounds, but it was heavy stuff
that we liked to do best. The original lineup consisted of myself on drums, Rodney Perry on
guitar, Corey Ramsay on bass, and Adam Costain was the vocalist. After Adam's departure,
Justin Lewis took over on vocals, and it is his voice that can be heard on these recordings. Soon
I hope to post a song or two recorded with Adam on vocals (ripping songs off of a tape is
an annoying job).
One of our heaviest, fastest songs, and also our theme song of sorts. This recording comes from
the And So He Continues demo, which was our second demo session and my first time in a real studio.
The Sabbath classic performed in our own particular fashion (which is basically the same as Sabbath's fashion, actually).
This comes from a practice tape we recorded on our old high school's theatre sound system, and the quality is somewhat like the
Sabbath "basement tapes" version of the song.
This is my current musical group. We play loud rock music, basically, filtered through grunge,
punk, metal, and pop rock influences. The original lineup consisted of myself on guitar, Bobby Milligan on Drums, and Justin Lewis once
again on vocals. All that has changed since we started in April of '98 is the addition in early '99 of Dan Noonan on rhythm guitar.
As of yet, we still do not have a bass player. Spacecraft Dinner has recorded two professional studio demos, and I have posted 2 songs from each of these here.
For more information on Spacecraft Dinner, check out our official (and rarely updated) webpage at,
and for more SCD Downloads, go to
Simple, foot-stomping, headbanging HEAVY metal. End of the world, doom and gloom type lyrics that were improvised on the spot in the studio.
It all adds up to a LOT of fun. Taken from the first Spacecraft Dinner demo It's A Cow's Life.
A moody, cryptic ballad with powerful building dynamics (I swear, sometimes I think I should be writing Ad copy professionally). Also taken from
It's A Cow's Life.
Fast-picked layered acoustics and electrics sets a nice texture, and the explosive chorus WILL rock you. Listen closely for some funky bass work care of yours truly.
This song comes from the second Spacecraft demo, Aisle 2.
Spacecraft's first real "epic" song, this one is all over the dynamics map, and the ending has about as many overdubs as "Bohemian Rhapsody." Probably my favorite
Spacecraft Dinner song, and maybe my favorite song I've ever written. This one's from Aisle 2, as well.
Recently, in addition to playing a mean lead guitar for Spacecraft Dinner and attempting school work, I've been doing a lot of writing, recording, and
experimenting with material which doesn't exactly fit the SCD mold. These songs are generally a little heavier and/or more complex than the stuff
Spacecraft does, and as such I have decided to keep them as "solo" material. It is my hope that this summer I can go into a studio and record a
handful of songs with me on every instrument (obviously, they will be heavily overdubbed). I suppose you could say that Dave Grohl and the first
Foo Fighters album was an inspiration for me in this sense. I have devised a means of demoing these songs in what could pass for a "complete" demo
form, including drums and vocals. As I complete more material, I will post it here for your listening pleasure and in the hopes that I might
receive some feedback about this material. As of right now, there is only one song with vocals, hopefully soon there shall be more.
My first full song creation is a straight ahead rock tune, loud guitars, steady bass and drums, a tasteful solo and an attempt at vocal aggression
which was greatly hampered by the cold I had that day.
Another full song demo, only without vocals this time. The sound quality could be better, but this song has some great riffs
and I love the outro solo. You metal heads might have a better time with this tune.
No Control (Gaudette) -- 4.7 MB -- 128 kbps, 44 kHz
This one seems to have the best sound quality of all of these demos, and it's also my favorite.
It's a good old thrash metal tune a la Iced Earth (that is, a la Metallica).