Welcome, I have made some changes to my website.
Please sign my guestbook and tell me what you think!!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Let's fall in love
For a day or two....
A Rose is a Rose, it withers and dies,
A friendship needs love in order to thrive,
A true friend is one who stays by your side,
In the happiest of days, and when you have cried
So let your friends know that you will always be there
  And to show that you care
~*MoRe PoEmS*~
~*AbOuT mE*~
Love is pure
Like new fallen snow
It can make u endure
Many things in life
I thank God everyday
For the love I get from you
I will never find another lover
Near as sweet as you
You're all that I know
And I pray you feel the same way too
You are my only one, my everything
I love you
~*Erica Briggs*~
~*PiCtUrEs Of AdDiSoN*~
~*PiCtUrEs - OtHeR*~
~*PiCtUrEs - CoLoRaDo*~
Pictures From the Columbus Marathon
~*SiGn My GuEsTbOoK*~    ~*ViEw My GuEsTbOoK*~
~*FuN pAgE*~
~*GaMeS pAgE*~