Here are some cool links, like the people I "borrowed" stuff from to get this page runnin'
Andy's Art Attack - some killer graphics and VERY useful tips for your page the mIRC homepage - one of the coolest Internet Relay Chat services ever ICQ - like an online pager..kinda. Anyways, download it and look for me. My number is 2018017 Matissa's banners - cool place to get some specialized banners made for your websites, like the one Matissa made for me.... - The favorite beer of yours truely, check out the site or crack open an ice cold one. Southern Comfort Online - The favorite choice in hard liqueur of I'm an alcoholic, SO WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! Anyways, you gotta be of legal drinkin' age to check out this site. Sobe Beverage - See, not everything I drink is alcohol realated, Sobe teas are like the second best iced teas I ever had, next to a tea I had in PA, but that's besides the point. Bass Player Online - The greatest magazine for bass players, lots of helpful tips to make you a better player.
Check out these cartoons, they're funny as hell
If you want a link added to your page, tell me, I'll check it out and see if it's worth my time.