Great Places to Chat and Meet New People

Great Places to Chat and Meet New People

Please try HyperChat UK. It's a great place to meet new friends. I chat there all the time! If you ever see a Hyper Grrl, then you'll know that's me! *smiles*
You can try out HUK here:
Please choose the room you would like to visit

Please choose the name you would like to use

Then there is WBS. (WebChat Broadcasting System) Another great place to chat. If you see a ~*$kittle$16*~, BSBs #1 Fan, or pochacco16, that's me! Feel free to talk to me!


And please visit my WBS homepage by clicking this link:

My WBS Homepage

This page has info about me and great links to some sites. It also has all my cyber pets on it.

And of course, there's MY chat room. And here it is!

Liv's BSB and Leo Chat Room

BSB Home!

Leo Home! 1