Welcome! Before reading this click on Imagine. Hi! My name is Stephanie! Meet Steph Ever since I was twelve, I have been a fan of Gloria Estefan. It all started while I was watching the American Music Awards in 1990, in which she was one of the hosts. When I saw her perform "Here we are" and "Get on your feet," I was amazed and I knew that I wanted to be a fan of hers.

Why did I want a webpage? Well, because I feel it is something that expresses the things I mostly love. Gloria Estefan was the first music artist that I use to listen to over and over again. My Music style grew. That's good! There's so many music artist that I like now. Check out the TV theme songs from the 70's and 80's which will include some midi files. Moving on to Little House a show that I watched since I was very young, and TV themes songs of my favorite shows that I've grown up too. Check out my Dar Williams, John Faye from Ike and Stargazer Lily page. And, also the Harry Potter page.

I also have written quite a bit of poetry please click on poerty 2. I have a page of my favorite poems out of the ones I wrote myself. My poems are something I enjoy writing, and hopefully they will be meaningful to you. If you have a good poem please send to me. I've made another poem page Poets Poems with poems including Alice Walker on it. I hope you all like my quote page with some of my favorite quotes. I also have my Friends Poems page. If you enjoy reading and your interested in Bookscheck this out. my As long as I know anything is possible. Check out filled with surprises to Awesome your day away. Click on Philly to see a view of Philadelphia. In honor of all the poeple who love Cats in this worlds. If you have enjoyed my website please sign the guest book. Oh, one more thing down the bottom you will see the quotes and poetry click on thoses buttons too!

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This page last updated on June 3,2002

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