#BackstreetBoys CyberSite


Welcome to the #backstreetboys cybersite, the site created for everyone who chats on the #backstreetboys channel on IRC. You can find it on this server: irc.dal.net or raptor.ab.ca.dal.net.
(There are more servers to get to it though). 
I hope you like this site, and please help making it bigger. And remember this:

Keep The Backstreetboys Pride Alive!

This site is quite new, and needs alot more then is on now. If you have any suggestions fill this in.

*** Soon a Backstreet Boys News page added. If you have any news on them fill in this form. ***
            (I do NOT check if its true)

*** Also soon a Picture page with pictures of Operator and Regular chatters! ***

Find out more about the operators of the channel here.

And here about the regular chatters

Channel Rules
Please follow these rules when chatting in our channel

BSB Pictures
Now, 3 pages with pictures of BSB from magazines

Check cool links of Backstreetboys pages

search.jpg (3324 bytes)

If this search doesn't work, check this page!

If you want to receive an e-mail when this site is updated.
Fill in your e-mail address here, and press Ok.


Last updated: September 29th

You are guest number:

Webmaster and Designer: Lukas Verduijn (The-Puck)