Kill now..Die Later
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by the morality scumbags in America.
....but the ENTITY recommends this page for all ages!



God is not any more believable than Satan so just realize that the time for madness has arrived yielding a universe with a terrible power of destruction.
- words from the Illegitimate Son of God. Listen to the soothing sounds of some Satanophonic Subliminal Words of philosophy to open your mind:
VENGENCE, Love, hate, conspiracy theory, music, dark humor, torture, tasteless, cool, demented, death angel, death, philosophy, tasteless philosophy, death philosophy, satanic humor, satanic philosophy, dead flesh, dead superstition. Love, hate, conspiracy theory, music, dark humor, torture, tasteless, cool, demented, death angel, death in EXTRA-VENGENCE SATANOPHONIC SOUND and Super DEATH-TRONIC SPACE SOUND.
Roadkill Victim suffers from extreme dose of coolnessRoadkill

666 fatalities.

Its Roadkill on this super-fast death defying highway made for all cool psychotic murderers.

If you solemnly agree that most of the human population must be decimated, then click here or on the Roadkill picture above.

Otherwise, if you believe in being a subservient idiot to society and its oppression, click here.

STOP!!! MORON!!! Speaking of idiot - do you know where you are? It is with great annoyance that the Entity must explain this simple concept to some of you.
This page may be linked from another geocities page(s).
For some strange reason, the morons who drift in here from other sites are in a state of euphoria, and do not realize they are about to be burned alive in this raging furnace. Perhaps, they think all Geocities web pages just belong to one person, who the f... knows.
The Entity has no sympathy for idiots who cannot tell the difference between one website and the other.
The Entity may be referred from from any site, very soon this site may be referred to from that peon puppet leader George Bush himself. Doesn't mean the Entity associates with these referrers, just that the Entity uses great powers of persuasion to get this page linked. So be warned!