This was created and reprinted with permission by Ryan Fisher. (Or Ender, as we know him on the message board) :)

The Jarsaholics Anonymous chapter in my area would like to offer you the use of our "Jarsaholic Identifier Survey." This is our special gift to you during this holiday season. Try to answer each question honestly. Count up your points and compare the total to our handy little "Addiction Level" graph at the end. And have a merry Christmas.

1. How many Jars of Clay products(albums, singles, concert stubs, official gear) do you own?
a. Just the ST (1/2 point)
b. Two or Three (1 point)
c. Three to Five (2 points)
d. It's been five minutes and I'm still counting (4 points)

2. After walking into your room how long does it take for a Jars CD to make it into the CD Player?
a. Sometimes I don't even listen to jars first (1/2 point)
b. Within the first five minutes (1 point)
c. I head to the CD Player first thing (2 points)
d. Remote is hanging on the door handle, and Jars CD is already in the player waiting for my arrival. (4 points)

3. If Flood started playing on the radio how long would it take you to identify the song?
a. When I hear the chorus (1/2 point)
b. First word (1 point)
c. First guitar strum (2 points)
d. I can intuitively feel it comming 3 seconds before the song begins (4 points)

4. What was the first song Jars ever wrote?
a. Flood of course (0 points)
b. Liquid (0 points)
c. Crazy Times (-1 point)
d. Fade to Grey (3 point)
e. Fade to Gray (2 points)

5. Quick, in 1 minute how many jars songs can you name.
a. Under 10 (1/2 point)
b. 10-15 (1 point)
c. 15-24 (2 points)
d. 29 songs, plus 8 remixes, Concrete, and the Stone Was Rolled Away (5 points)

6. If you mention Jars to your friends what is their reaction?
a. "Jars of what???" (-1 point)
b. "I think you have mentioned them before" (1 point)
c. "Oh Yeah, they're pretty cool..." (2 points)
d. They pick up a large heavy object and advance toward you while muttering "if you sing that song once more I'll..." (5 points)

7. How many jars pictures/posters do you have on display? (Count all answeres that apply)
a. Nothing (-1 point)
b. A poster (1 point)
c. Several news article clippings (1 point)
d. "I carry a picture in my wallet, wanna see?" (3 points)

1. Do you have anything autographed? (2 points per item)
2. Have you given a Jars item as a gift? (1 point per gift)
3. Did you notice the two mistakes above? (2 point)
4. Can you prove that there were no mistakes in previous questings? (4 points)
5. Did you give yourself points for both BONUS ROUND questions 3 and 4? (-8 points)
6. Can you name every Jar member who is married and to whom? (Your beyond help! start collecting stamps)

Version 1.1 addition;
How often do you visit the Jars Message Board in a week?
1. Never (- 3 points)
2. Once a week ( 0 points)
3. 3-7 times a week (5 points)
4. 8-12 times a week (10 points)
5. 13-18 (15 points)
6. 18 ++ (20 points)

Now Add up your totals.


Why did you even bother to take the test? You obviously find another band more interesting. Come back when you mean it!!

13-17 POINTS
You may not be perfect but your on the right track. Look over the questions again and find where you need improvement.

18-25 POINTS
Give youself a big pat on the back. You are ready to join Jarsaholics Anonymous. Send in your registration fee to Ms. Atherton.

26-32 POINTS
WOW!!! The best of the obsessed. Inquire about our "Special Member" bonus plan.

You are awesome!!! You need help!!! Send in your 500 word explanation for why you think you belong in the Jarsaholics Hall of Fame.

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