"My Fears"
By: Jason Conner
(C) 1998.

In as much as I was but scared,
No more shall I trouble thee.
No more shall I make the wait
Until you are to where you are supposed to be.

I will hold that which scares me
I shall keep that when I shake.
I will but ever ask for a friend
To hold me when I am afraid, no more for sake.

It is not where I feel safest
But it is where I will remain.
So from this moment for
To ask for more that that, I shall restrain.

I wish to thank you
For the peace you give me.
It is there that I am peaceable
But no more shall I ask that of thee.

So, when I tremble
and when I have fear,
I will just ask one thing,
I just wish for you to be near.

You Can E-Mail Me At: camelot_knight@hotmail.com

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