Final Fantasy VII FAQ v1.3 FINAL
(English/American Edition)
by K. Megura
for the Sony PlayStation
Kao Megura's Home Page

Kao Megura's Disclaimer

Unpublished work Copyright 1997-1998 Kao Megura.

This FAQ cannot be reproduced without first contacting me by mail or e-mail and receiving a written reply allowing you to do so. Also, it cannot be reproduced in any way other than electronically, and cannot be reproduced electronically without being shown in it's unaltered, original form and entirety, including this disclaimer. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes (this includes the FAQ being sold, added on, or 'given away' as a bonus, free or not), nor can it be used to get prizes or to receive recognition from game magazines, contests, etc. It is for private and personal use only. If you want to reference it or use any part of it in a guide of your own (even if you are a magazine or publishing company) you must contact me by mail or e-mail and recieve a written reply giving you permission to go ahead. In addition, allowing you to use any part of this FAQ does not give you ownership of this document. You may put it up on your site, etc. as long as you do not alter it in any way. This FAQ was created and is © and owned by me, Kao Megura. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ.

The Final Fantasy series is © Square Soft and © Sony Entertainment of America.

This FAQ, and future revisions of it, can be found at: Kao Megura's Home Page.

Other places that host this FAQ (but may not have latest revisions): GameFAQs and Square Net.

And there are HTML'ized versions of my English Edition FAQ at: Jason's Home Page and Dexco FF7.

Also, the FF7 FAQ has gone international! Three people are currently writing versions of this FAQ in Spanish, French, and Swedish. While none of the versions are complete, it's nice to know that people are willing to translate this entire thing into another language!

Currently up is the Swedish translation of the FF7 US FAQ, which can be found at: The page is maintained by Daniel Burvall, and...what can I say? He's done an excellent job. While the main walkthough itself isn't up, all the other sections have been converted and look very nice. You can reach Mr. Burvall with comments or questions.

The French translation has also been put up. It's located at this address:, and is based on version 2.1 of the Japanese FAQ and 0.2 of the English FAQ. Maintained by Antoine Rotereau, it's another excellent translation and will undoubtedly help out a lot of people.

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