


Editoral Welcome to my webpage. This is the page that was known as Adam's U2 Page
I have renamed it U2 World. It is now easier to do what you need to do on my webpage.
If you have any guestions or corrections for this page please e-mail them to me. If you
would like to have a page designed for you like this one click here to contact the creater
of my page.He can design a page for you also that has to do with anything not only U2
Please add a link to me on your webpage for my goal is to have the biggest
best U2 website on the net. All downloadable files are not on this server. I can not be held
resonsible for how you use them neither can Geocities.
- Muskrat (adam)

Everything on this webpage is Copyright Of U2 World, GWD and there right full owners do not take anything without permission.
If you need to cantact me e-mail me at amoskal@juno.cm or get me on ICQ at 6371942