Pixel Painting Logo 1

logo1.jpg (10660 bytes)


     In order to create my name logo, a large amount of time was spent experimenting with the many options of Paint Shop Pro 5.  This logo was formed by constructing three layers: one of text, one of pictures, and another of background designs.  Using the Braggadocio font to write my name, I then changed the size to forty-eight, made the letters bold, and underlined it.  Once I had text to work with, the opacity of the letters was increased, and the blur decreased, so to create the shadowed look. Also, two shadows were created behind the word, one blue, one white, by using the drop shadow tool twice.  Underneath the text layer is the layer of pictures.  I selected black ink hands and feet merely because they were eye-catching.  These pictures were strategically placed on the layer using the picture tube tool.  Finally, the extreme bottom section of the logo is the background layer, for which I chose the colors: blue, purple, and magenta. The texture of the background was created using the spray can tool and spraying onto a lunar textured paper.  This program has taught me that there are many ways to dress up plain text, and all it takes is a little imagination.

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