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Multitasking Screen

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What this screen is showing...

                    A multitasking screen allows you to perform many tasks simultaneously.  On my example screen four different programs are open:  Microsoft Word, Paint Shop Pro 5, Yahoo mail, and Netscape.  If you look at the task bar you can see that four programs are opened, and that Yahoo mail is depressed, meaning that this is the program currently being used.  By having each of the programs opened at the same time, you are able to make the most of the screen space by seeing several programs at once.

Windows Buttons

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Restore: Alters the size of the program window to a smaller size

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Maximize:  Enlarges the program which is opened to full size

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Minimize:  Shrinks the open program down to the task bar

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Close:  Closes the program you are currently in

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Start: By clicking here, you can open new programs by choosing from the list given

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System Tray: (left to right)
     Real Audio: an audio program allowing you to listen to music
     AOL instant messenger: a feature of AOL where you can chat with friends                                             online
     Clock: tells the present time

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(from left to right)
     Cut: allows you to delete a section of a picture and places it on the clipboard
     Copy: duplicates a picture and places it on the clipboard
     Paste: prints what is on the clipboard to your screen

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(from left to right)
     New: Opens a new page which starts a new document
     Open: Allows you to open a previously saved document
     Save: Saves the current program to the location chosen in "Save As"
     Print: Prints the current document

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Control Menu: (top to bottom)
      Restore:  Resizes the program window to a smaller size
      Minimize: Shrink the program window down to the task bar
      Maximize: Increases the program window to its maximum size
      Close: Closes the current program

How to use Save As...Dialog Box

saveas.jpg (46849 bytes)

    1. The save in box will allow you to select a folder to save your document into.
    2. The Up folder button will move you to the next largest folder, the one which contains the folder              you are presently in.
    3. Create a new folder button will create a new folder which will be placed into the folder you are              presently in, allowing you to save documents into it.
    4. The List button will display all files located in the folder you are in, they are in alphabetical order.
    5. The Detail button will display all files located in the folder, the size of the file, the last time they              were modified, and their type.
    6. The name column will sort the file in alphabetical order either from beginning to end, or from end              to beginning. Pushing this button allows you to choose which way you would like them.
    7. The divider between the columns will allow you to select and alter the size of each column.  By              double clicking the line, everything in the column will be able to be seen, and words will not be              cut off.
    8. Clicking the file name will allow you to select a file, you know it is selected when the file name is              highlighted.   Double clicking the file name will open the file automatically.
    9. The file name box allows you to name the document which is being saved.
    10. The Save as Type box will allow you to select the type of file the document will be saved as.
    11. The save button will save the document with the current options which have been selected, such              as name and type.

Here are some reference web sites related to Operating
Systems. What do you know about these topics?

Windows....on 90% of all PCs

US VS Microsoft....Bill gets sued

IBM's Operating System....tried to improve windows

Sun Microsystem = JAVA.. The next OS.. Yes to SUN!!

Linux Operating System = Open Source= we all can help

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