Above all, I am a diehard lyric-memorizing, T-shirt wearing, and CD collecting Parrot Head. In fact, I can never get enough of Jimmy Buffett. And if you do not know what a Parrot Head is, I suggest that you look into Jimmy Buffett's genre of music. A Parrot Head is a Cheeseburger eating, Margarita drinking, Jimmy Buffett fanatic!!! What better music to listen to in my convertible while cruising the summer strip of my town. So to pay homage to the great Island God, here are some of my FAVORITE Buffett songs located on this page. Also, you will find other links and valuable information as other passionate Parrot Heads track Jimmy across the globe. Enjoy!

    Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude
    Cheeseburger in Paradise
    Come Monday
    Why Don't We Get Drunk
    He Went to Paris

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