MARY'S SONG Listen to the Real Audio Presentation (41 KB)

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The flowers, the garden, the sun so softly rising

remind me of the morning that he came into my life.

I found in his person a peace and joy so vibrant;

I see him in the flowers, in this morning, O so special.

I'm looking for Jesus: O friend where have they put him,

the one who said his body would rise and draw all to himself?


"O Mary, you've found him!" O Lord, I know your voice and

your gift to be really present, yes my heart has never wavered.

Go, tell John and Peter and all our friends you've seen me.

I'll join you at the table and then you'll know for sure I live."


And so I did run to the house where they were sleeping:

I told them of having seen him but they could not quite believe me.

Come into the garden and see where you had put him.

He's gone now, yes, he's living

and will come to us as we share our bread.


"My friends, don't be frightened, believe that I am risen.

The gift I want to give you is a certain peace all through you.

What new life is singing and lives within our hearts;

a new Spring, full of wonder and we are born again in peace!

The flowers, the garden, the sun so softly rising

remind me of the morning that he came into my life.

I see him in the flowers, in this morning,

O so special, so special, so special.


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