~ Group 10 ~

My Kick Ass Group

~the girl holding up the See Ya! poster would be Claire ( who left us early) and that's me (on the left) and Danich hyung on the bottom. on the 2nd row (sorta speak) is (going from left to right) Minobu nuna, Ouja, and Shiz. On the 3rd row is Lizzy, *someone, Claire, Young-Gil, *someone, and Sam.

~by the way the *someone's weren't in our group, that's y i dont' know their name, sorry

Danichi Yoshida, Group Assistant

~Pic of Danichi hyung giving his inspirational speech (although i forget what he talked about, but i'm sure it inspired me in many ways =D

Sam Mull

~Pic of Sam listening to the all inspiring speech (with the feeling of helplessness and "get me the hell out of here" kindof spirit) just kidding

Another Group Picture

Another Group Picture