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You are Titanic hater #

This page is now owned by the A.T.S. (Anti-Titanic Society).

State your opinion of Titanic in our guest book...See all of the comments everyone has made about Titanic by viewing our guest book

The Titanic barbie!!

And now what you've all been waiting alternative Script for Titanic...

Here's an article that was written about Anti-Titanic sites that this site was in...

I've now scanned some of the comics about Titanic that have been in the news paper....more to come...

And now a Review of past Titanic movies that a friend of mine wrote just for this site...

The Top 13 Real Reasons The Titanic Sank. If you have anything to add to this list, mail me at

Sink the Titanic!!! Click the picture to play. You must have the most up to date version of the Shockwave Plug-In

add This banner on your page....just copy this small amount of html and paste it on your page...

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