Welcome to Fang's Lair

Before you get to the page. I would like you to read and agree to this...

When you click on the Icon below this text, you agree to the following:

#1: I Like Gothic people and see them as equal to all others.

#2: I don't minde that this page belongs to some Goth dude.

#3: Im entering this page as a personal decision to do so.

#4: I think this is a lame thing to be agreeing to.

#5: I will e-mail any problems "I see" to the addy at the bottom of this\next page

Click on the "SKULL" to continue, or if your here for info on the Sybarite Order click that instead.

Agreed!Fang's LairAgreed!

Im Just here to see the Sybarite Order Page!

© 1997 Noctem@direct.ca

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