The Johnson Family

(This page might take a few cuz of the pictures, but please wait for the things to load)

The time is drawing near! Plus, the house deal will be through by the end of June!

Kylie's 2nd Birthday Pictures Kylie's 2nd B-day Pics with Pooh and Tigger

Photos taken on: 12 Jun 04

Photos: The pictures are Kylie's 2nd Birthday pictures done at Walmart Photo Studio. Isn't she just growing up so fast?

Hello, Hello, Hello!!!!

How is everyone doing this time around? Things aren't looking so glum here anymore, even considering the nasty rain and heat n' muggyness that we have been experiencing. I am talking about the close to our time down here in Georgia. Victoria has started to clear and is going to be on Terminal Leave here very shortly. It starts on the 10th of July if I am not mistaken. We have a good portion on the house all packed up, of cuarse there is still a lot to go becuase we cannot pack up things that we need on an everyday basis and that makes it very hard to get rid of somethings right now.

Kylie just had her second birthday on Tuesday, 22 Jun 02. As most of you all know we missed her first birthday due to being deployed to Iraq in service for Operation Iraqi Freedom. This year however, we got to experience it first hand. We invited a bunch of our friends over and we all had a blast. Things got a little hysterical at the end when we started sucking down helium and making rediculous comments. Kylie loved it, I just wish we could have had some kids that were her age show up. But, all of us still had a good time. She recieved lots of gifts and made a mess out of her cake. It was great, I wish you all could have been here for it. Maybe we can work it out so that everyone can be with us for her third birthday next year. For those of you that are interested, I will be posting some pictures of her birthday on the web page here very soon. I just need to get them all organized before I upload them, so I hope that you will all check in again and see them.

As for news about myself, well this is just where things keep getting interesting. My Medical Board is finally finished. I have signed off on the last bit of paperwork and should be getting my orders in less than three weeks from what they have told me. I get to start clearing on Tuesday, 28 Jun. Hopefully, by the time I finish clearing I will have my orders and will be able to just sign out on my free leave and come home with in a few days. That would be just great wouldn't it? I only have one other thing to wait on, and that is for the Battalion Commander to sign off on the free leave. If he does, then I have 20 days that I get to sign out on leave that doesn't count against my normal leave days. That means I get to cash my leave days out and get paid for them, and I still get to be paid as if I was in the Army but, not do anymore work. But, if he doesn't sign off on it, then I only get a couple more days to final out, then I am out of the Army completely. Isn't that great? I think it is.

As you read in the marque, the house deal is almost finished also. On the 30th of June things should be all closed. That means that we will be the proud owners of a home. I will try and get pictures of our house up soon. I am currently having some issues with my email and with Yahoo, so trying to get pictures off of my email right now is pretty hard. And of cuarse, that is where I get all of my pictures from, because my father sends them to me. I will have a picture site for the house up soon though, I promise. It is already under way, I am just trying to find a good way to organize it all.

Well, I suppose that is really the jist of everything. Other than everything I have said, nothing is really going on. I hope all of you will email me and let us know what is going on in your neck of the woods. So, please stay in touch and hopefully we will see a lot of you all very soon. Until then, take care!


Always... Matthew and Family

The NEW PT Cruiser!

The Family Photo Albums

Matthew, Victoria and Family

Kylie Angel

Martin's / Dad's Cabinet shop

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