Ida - 12/17/00 23:53:55 My URL: My |
Comments: Very interesting site. The music is pretty kewl, man! Come check out my site. You know you want 2> no I'm j/k. Luv ya'z ~*Ida*~ |
Kristi - 12/17/00 23:50:28 My URL: My |
Comments: Hi, um I'm Amber sister. I'm signing your guestbook too. Nifty site. Keep ^ the good work. Please visit my site, luv *KRISTI* P.S- My friend is also gonna sign |
vancouver, canada - 12/17/00 23:47:43 My URL: My |
Comments: Interesting site, very original. I didn't know there such thing as an online musician or whatever... but know I do. Thanx for visiting my site :) Bye, Amber |
Catalin,Toronto,Canada - 11/21/00 19:26:32 |
Comments: Da-i inainte,ca-i bine. }}} Keep going ahead, because it's well. |
Onesti, Romania - 11/19/00 18:10:39 My |
Comments: Hi...just wanted to say hello to you...I'm a computer musician too so if you want to talk sometimes...mail me |
Gregory Gains - 10/31/00 10:00:14 My URL: My |
Comments: Just passing by! Nifty site, keep it up! |
Minneapolis - 10/31/00 08:12:10 My |
Comments: You're the gothest man alive, and I would love for you to help me and my band with our new album. We're 3 really cute american girls, and we appreciate your work... We also might play a little volleyball for you if you're nice.. I hope you email back, we' e all waiting most excitedly.. |
Andrei, TX, USA - 10/26/00 23:38:34 My |
Comments: hi, you're a sofisticated artist man. keep the things in this condition God bless you |
New York - 10/19/00 22:44:38 My Email:KHARVEY63@AOL.COM |
Comments: Hi Sorin, I tried to get you by e-mail it didn't work. I enjoyed reading all about you. Your an incredible guy. Take Care, Karen |
IASI RO - 10/16/00 16:28:31 |
Comments: UITE CA SCRIU! e FAIN NU AM PUTUT SA ASCUT MUZICA! vIN LA TINE SA ASCULTAM IMPREUNA! ...HA HA HA AI VREA TU! ELLA }}} Look I'm writing! It's fine. I couldn't listen to the music! I'm coming to your place for us to listen together! ...Ha ha ha you'd like that! Ella |
Darren, USA - 10/09/00 14:42:04 My URL: My |
Comments: You have some Great Music on your site If you have the time please take a listen to my site Take Care Darren |
Les, US - 10/08/00 08:15:07 My URL: buttermilkplatform My |
Comments: I first want to thank you for signing my guestbook and for turning me on to your music.. I have been listening and I really love your sound. You are very talented. Peace. |
Earth Godess - 09/06/00 06:43:46 |
Comments: Very interesting site, especially love the stars, asperation at its is the essence of all life if we choose to listen, be well *sssssss* |
Mihaela (Iasi) - 08/18/00 19:59:01 |
Comments: recent am primit o vizita a unor prieteni din Anglia si am constatat ca frozen water e singurul album al unui artist roman de muzica pop pe care as putea sa-l fac cadou fara sa-mi fie jena!!! foarte creativ! excelenta un autre jour rate, plina de semnific tii... cred ca intr-un punct se refera la Hagi? ;-) cam prea dramatic numele de artist, asa cred eu (dar nu suna rau!) }}} Recently I was paid a visit by some friends from England and I noticed "Frozen Water" is the only album by a Romanian pop musician that I could present with without feeling embarrassed!!! Very creative! "Un autre jour rate" excellent, full of s mbols... I think that at one point it refers to Hagi? ;-) A little too dramatic the act name, that's what I think (still it does not sound badly!) |
Hane (Finland) - 08/13/00 19:12:10 My URL: My |
Comments: Hi there! I found your site on and liked the music alot. Keep up the good work! Check out our tracks if you like - they're worth it. :) Best regards, Hane |
petronica, iasi - 06/08/00 12:41:19 My |
Comments: Am pentru Sore-in un puiut de sarut electronic, un morman de ura(tu)ri "de foarte bine" si un kilogram de respect din ala scump. p.s. La multi si buni ani, Sor-in-e(misfere cerebrale)! }}} I have for Sore-in a little electronic kiss, a pile of very good wishes and a kilo of that precious respect. PS. Many happy returns Sor-in-(cerebral hemispheres) |
Stoica Liviu - 04/25/00 12:59:04 My |
Comments: Mult succes in continuare!!!!!!! }}} Much success for the future! |
Timea - 04/18/00 11:35:56 My |
Comments: Am avut un pitzin timp liber si am zis sa-ti vizitez pagina...Sa stii ca e klumea.. Astept sa-mi scrii .. }}} I had some spare time and thought I'd visit your page. Know it's PROper. I wait for you to write me... |
baia mare .romania - 04/14/00 09:55:27 My |
Comments: As vrea sa cunosc prieteni care sant interesati de paranormal.secret.mistic........ }}} I'd like to meet frieds interested in paranormal, secrets, mystics... |
Mihai Cotabitiu - 04/12/00 06:26:25 My |
Comments: da ba esti tare }}} Yeah, you're cool. |
Anyone - 03/10/00 01:21:03 My |
Comments: I read your life story. Too bad you are not in Latvia, you could have helped me with my Internet sites |
Jenia, CA, USA - 02/11/00 20:37:56 |
Comments: I was able to hear your music tonite. Once I realized I didnt HAVE to down load it to hear I relaxed and figured out that the play button guessed it!....PLAY. Of the three, I liked Mr. President the best. However the music doesnt fit my ear. aybe I am not intellectual enough, who knows.I see you have lived quite the adventure in your 30 yrs.Im wishing you all the best! Blessed be. |
Calin - 01/31/00 13:57:44 My URL: My |
Comments: Salut! Te-am gasit pe la Taxi, si vad ca esti destul de dotat, pacat ca stai tocmai in Iasi. Daca ai timp treci pe la situl meu, poate incercam o colaborare. }}} Hi! I found you on Taxi and I see you are endowed enough, too bad you live way in Iasi. If you have time, visit my site, maybe we try a collaboration. |
Canada - 12/23/99 05:02:31 My |
Comments: Hey, Sorin!!! Muzica buna, dar mai ai ceva de lucru la ea. Succes!!! Toma }}} Good music, but you have to work more on it. Good luck! |
Alex - 12/15/99 15:42:57 My |
Comments: Just hello! |
Sergiu (Romania) - 12/12/99 14:33:34 My URL: axel8/axel8.html |
Comments: A nice site, everything is nice,kool |
Sergiu - 12/12/99 14:28:50 My URL: axel8/axel8.html My |
Comments: muzica koooooool, super..... |
Luminita Magnusson - 11/29/99 22:58:41 My |
Comments: Multe salutari de la Lumi din Danemarca ! }}} Many hellos from Lumi of Denmark! |
Ole Boskov (Denmark) - 11/28/99 15:44:22 My URL: posmusic |
Comments: Sorin, It is great that you are on the site, that is certainly a way of getting your music out there.. |
Laurentiu Silea - 11/24/99 12:51:04 My |
Comments: Hei, in sfarsit ai realizat un site pentru tine. Sunt incantat de ce ai scos. E de calitate. Keep it up. Cheers }}} Hey, you finally did a site of your own. I'm delighted with what you issued. It's quality... |
Radu Apostolescu (Romania) - 11/23/99 20:03:56 My Email: |
Comments: Site-ul poate sa arate mai bine, zic eu, dar o sugestie pe care o am (si care poate fi pusa in aplicare imediat) e sa pui muzica in format (sau si in format) real audio. In felul asta, vizitatorul nu trebuie sa incarce o melodie intreaga ca sa o asculte. a vitezele din Romania si la timpul cit sta cineva conectat, probabil ca ai ratat multi care voiau sa asculte ceva, dar care nu-si permit sa stea prea mult pe internet. Real Audio e un mod sigur ca mult mai multi sa asculte, macar in parte, piesele pe car le compui. Multa bafta in continuare ! }}} The site could look better, that's what I'm saying, but a suggestion that I have (and that can be applied immediately) is for you to post your music in the Real Audio format (either). Thus, the visitor doesn't have t download the whole melody to listen to it. For the Romanian speeds and the time that one stays connected, you have probably missed many people who wanted to hear something, but can't afford to stay too long on Internet. Real Audio is a sure way for much ore people to listen, at least in part, to the pieces you write. |
Rhonda Watson, US - 11/05/99 12:43:11 My URL: RhondaWatson My |
Comments: Hello!~ Thanks for stoppin' by and signing my guestbook. :) Great page you have here and what a story!! I can identify, believe me~ Just keep on keepin' on and stay in touch~ Love, Rhonda |
Sharon Westlake (Canada) - 11/01/99 13:31:04 My |
Comments: Hi friend! You know I'm one of your biggest fans! Keep up the good work and don't take the critism I just saw on this site to heart. Obviously, this person is not FULLY knowledgeable, or even open minded about music in general. We'll show him! |
Rodica (Suedia/Sweden) - 10/29/99 18:54:41 |
Comments: Muzica este fantastică. Ea ne transmite mesaje, trăiri și simțiri. Știam, simțeam asta de mult. Acum, după ce ți-am ascultat întreg albumul, știu că și tu poți. Îți doresc ca muzica ta să fie ascultată și înțeleasă și ..... să răzbați!! Cu prietenie, }}} Music is fantastic. It brings us message, sensations and feelings. I knew that, I felt that for a long time. Now, after I have listened to your whole album, I know you can do that too. I wish your music to be listened to and understood and... y u to break through!!. With friendship, |
Tudor (Toronto, Canada) - 10/29/99 01:35:06 My |
Comments: I think young talents should be encouraged, and happily it is the case here. Sorin I would encourage you to keep banging that computer keyboard as the music seem ummmm quite imaginative. And believe me as much as i may be tempted to say something critic l, nothing comes to mind :) I listened to "Another wasted day". Smooth, with a slow , dreamful instrumental. Sorine I wish you good luck!!! |
Vio (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) - 10/28/99 03:56:47 My |
Comments: Foarte creativ. Keep on trucking!!! Ma impresioneaza astrologia, despre mine ce imi spui? Data nasteri 14 Aug. 1974, Bucuresti, la 12:30pm.... RSVP }}} Very creative. [...] I'm impressed by astrology, what are you saying about me? Birth date... |
m - 10/15/99 14:21:48 |
Comments: te-am am adresa de e-mail.mihaela }}} I've read you. I have no email address... |
miron ramona, RO+UK - 10/10/99 23:50:58 My |
Comments: mi-a placut tare mult sa-ti ascult cantecele! Poate intr-o buna zi vei putea face o melodie pe una din poeziile mele. Iti urez mult noroc in tot ceea ce faci , si-ti promit ca-ti voi da o gasca de voturi!!! }}} I liked a lot listening to your songs! Maybe one good day you'll be able to write a song on one poem of mine. I wish you a lot of good luck in everything you do and I promise you I'll give you a "gang" of votes!!! |
Alexandru (R. Moldova) - 10/07/99 08:35:33 My |
Comments: Bravo Sorine pntru situl tau. Precizez insa : "Securitatea" a cenzurat si a oprimat pe Romani. A vandut Rusilor teritorii ale Romaniei( ex. Insula Serpilor=Leuke, unde legenda spune ca s-a nascut zeul Apollo). Stiai ?!!Pentru pacea sufletelor Romanilor op imati sau ucsi de catre "Securitate", le rog sa corijezi aceasta fraza de dezinformare. Apoi voi vota pentru tine.Poti sa traduci aceasta fraza in engleza sau franceza, italiana, spaniola daca vrei. Cu bine, un Roman. }}} Bravo Sorin for your site. Still I stress this: The "Securitate" censored and oppressed the Romanians. They sold Romania's territories to the Russians (e.g. Snake Island = Leuke, where - the legend says - god Appollo was born). Did you know that?!! For the peace of the souls of the Romanians having been oppressed or killed by the "Securitate" please correct that misinforming phrase. Then I'll vote for you. You may translate this in English, French, Italian or Spanish if you like. All the best, a Rom nian. |
Lucian (Romania) - 10/06/99 12:02:52 |
Comments: Bravo Sorine!! Tocmai ascult Frozen Water.. cool! Good Luck! }}} Bravo Sorin!! I'm listening right now to Frozen Water...[..] |
Sharon (USA) - 10/05/99 17:26:12 My URL: SunsetStrip/Garage/2025 My |
Comments: Hey Sorin, keep up the great work! |
Nicu Popescu (R. Moldova) - 10/05/99 10:34:44 My |
Comments: Sofroni.Hoinaresc shi eu pe aici.Faci treaba,bravo.Tzine-o tot asha. }}} Just wandering around. You're doing some job, good for you. Keep it that way. |
Daniela Radasanu (Romania) - 10/04/99 06:28:57 My |
Comments: Keep on and good luck! |
tudor antohi (Canada) - 10/01/99 19:50:05 My |
Comments: It's cool, I like it. Please improve the on-line order system it's too slow, not much time to wait. Be the best, sois le meilleur! |
Fan No.1 (Romania) - 10/01/99 06:37:25 My |
Comments: Hi, blue eyes star ! Your site rules ! Nice work ! |
TEST - 09/29/99 02:32:38 My URL: My |
Comments: TEST001 |