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Name (+ City, Country) :    Girlgeek
Email :   girlgeek@webdesigner.screaming.net
URL :   
All-times favourite song :  Where is my mind - The Pixies 
Comment :
  Hi Sorin Long time no chat! You may remember me as Alleycat from some time ago. Just wanted 2 say HAPPY CHRISTMAS and all the best for the coming year... keep up the good work! GG xxx

Name (+ City, Country) :    Cath in Poland
Email :   cathhart250@yahoo.co.uk
URL :   
All-times favourite song :   
Comment :
  Where was the photo? Or is my server rubbish!

Name (+ City, Country) :    Danut Haz (Germany)
Email :   webmaster@romaniapro.de
URL :   http://www.romaniapro.de
All-times favourite song :  Give me your heart tonight. 
Comment :
Very nice here. All succes with your album.

Name (+ City, Country) :    ion imiste
Email :   ionimiste@emoka.ro
URL :   
All-times favourite song :   
Comment :
}}} Yeah...

Name (+ City, Country) :    Bond,James Bond (Resita, Botswana)
Email :   babanovac@madmail.com
URL :   
All-times favourite song :  very poor 
Comment :
  Ace keep it up....  Good luck!

Name (+ City, Country) :    Carmen Gheorghita, Prima TV, Romania
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  Am intrat pe site-ul tau de curind si am descoperit un om extraordinar de talentat, cu o multime de preocupari, cum mai rar intilnesti la ora actuala in Romania. Fiind muzician de profesie(am terminat Conservatorul la sectia canto clasic), cred ca faci o treaba extraordinara.

I have recently come to your site and I have discovered an extraordinarily talented man, with a lot of occupations, as one can rarely meet in Romania at present. Being a musician by trade (I graduated the Conservatoire, classical canto section) I believe you're doing an extraordinary job.

Name (+ City, Country) :    Ene Daniella,Toronto,Canada
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  cantecele tale m-au impresionat si recunosc ca mi-au placut mult de tot.

I was impressed by your songs and I admit I liked them very much.

Name (+ City, Country) :   Felicia Ciupe
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  Ca daca tot se apropie ziua de 8 Iunie... La Multi Ani, SorIn! Let the muses inspire you even more in the following year!
}}} So if June the 8th is coming... Happy Birthday, SorIn! ...

Name (+ City, Country) :   Carmen Dominguez (Los Angeles)
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
What I found impressive was the level of complexity in your music and the personal way of making your point, it's very difficult to create, especially
for someone at home.

Name (+ City, Country) :   LAURA ROMANIA SATU MARE
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
Este super pagina ta. Te pricepi nu gluma.
}}} It's super your page. You are good at it, no joking.

Name (+ City, Country) :   Cristi
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
Salut. V-am ascultat pe situl FranceMP3. Buna muzica, pacat ca nu ati pus mai multe piese.
}}} Hello. I have listened to you on the FranceMP3.com site. Good music, too bad you haven't posted more pieces.

Name (+ City, Country) :   Tania Hassounia  Christchurch, New Zeeland
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  I found your geocities site very interesting, it is nice to meet you.

Name (+ City, Country) :   Camelia Varvara (Piatra Neamt, Romania)
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  Am vazut site-ul, e absolut OK. Felicitari pentru tot.
}}} I saw the site, it is absolutely OK. Congratulations for everything.

Name (+ City, Country) :   Xavier
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  multam ca mi-ai scris man
}}} Thanks for writing me, man.

Name (+ City, Country) :   
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :

Name (+ City, Country) :   Mihai
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
Foarte bine! Mi-a placut muzica ta, poate am sa cumpar un CD! Poate mai multe informatii despre tine pe web ar fi binevenite! Planuri de viitor? Succes.
}}} Very well! I liked your music, maybe I'll buy a CD! Perhaps more information about you on the web would be nice! Any plans for the future? Good luck.

Name (+ City, Country) :   Andrea (UK)
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
I had a look at your website; interesting stuff!

Name (+ City, Country) :   elena binghamton USA
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  I never heard before something good about people from romania.now is time for change this is cool.keep going.

Name (+ City, Country) :   Debbie (Florida, USA)
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  I am a web tv user and I can't downl;load MP3s. But a friend of mine who has a computer sent me a downloaded version of some of your songs. I really like them. They are very original. You are very creative. Keep the great work up. I voted for you for Romanian`s top 100. I sure hope that you win.

Name (+ City, Country) :   Carlos Nogues di Lascio, Paraguay
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  Dear Sorin, Thans for your musics.

Name (+ City, Country) :   Dan Darie
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  Placut site. Senzatii tari. Orneaza Internetul. Ridica-te. Iesi AFARA din Iesi!
}}} Nice site. Thrilling. Adorns Internet. Arise. Get OUT (abroad) of Iasi!

Name (+ City, Country) :   Loredana Apopei (iasi, usa?!)
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  In sfirsit am reusit sa citesc cite ceva despre tine si mi-a facut placere. sa nu crezi ca o spun din politete,nu sunt genul care "gidila" oamenii pentru a-i face sa sa simta bine sau in ideea ca ceilalti sa ma accepte sau eventual sa le cistig prietenia.
}}} I've finally managed to read something about you and it feels good. Don't you think I'm just saying it of politeness, I am not that kind that "tickles" people to make them feel good, or in the idea of others accepting me, or to win their friendship.

Name (+ City, Country) :   debbie guest florida
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
read the lyrics to your songs and I think they are good. You have quite a talent. I haven`t downloaded your songs yet but, I intend too. So with all your talent you are a astrologer too. I am impressed.  :)

Name (+ City, Country) :    Ene Daniella,Toronto,Canada
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  Sa ne intalnim pe locul 1 din topul romanesc 100......si numai bine va doresc. Fara comentarii!Va pup!
}}} May we meet on the first place of the Romanian Top 100... and I wish you well. No comment! I kiss you!

Name (+ City, Country) :   nathan
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  Hi, I just wanted to send my compliments upon your song titeled "Hey buddy 2"!! Great work! I really like your atmospheric/pad sounds, as well as the vibe/mood!!! Hey I noticed that your graphics look familiar... Maybe I've checked you out b4?

Name (+ City, Country) :    kathy
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  You know I did listen to your music I was impressed it was unique and orginal..smile it would seem you have a following also...smile

Name (+ City, Country) :   Karen Harvey (USA)
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  I really enjoyed your website. You have accomplished a lot.

Name (+ City, Country) :   katherine chaffin (USA)
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  I am really fascinated with all that you have done.

Name (+ City, Country) :   J P. Koestner USA
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  I enjoyed your website, it is very well done. I look forward to hearing of your continued successes. Best wishes and ..........Never give up. DocJPK

Name (+ City, Country) :   Corina Circiu (iasi + gura humorului!)
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  Ti-am citit pagina de web si mi s-a parut interesanta. La vida es sueno!
}}} I've read your web page and it seemed interesting to me. La vida es sueno (Life is sound)!

Name (+ City, Country) :   Margareta Mina (Brasov)
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  Din pagina ta de internet imi dau seama cat esti de talentat... si as citi cu placere mai multe lucruri scrise de tine... Imi place muzica de la "Double Square".. are o anumita gravitate si nu seamana cu nimic obisnuit. Textul are referinte astrologice care ma depasesc. Cu toate astea cred ca muzica este in armonie cu continutul... adica are ceva new age, paranormal, celestial... Nu stiu daca reusesc sa explic exact ce simt. Don't call me a jerk... imi place si textul si muzica. Iarasi neobisnuite... melodia are o anumita malitiozitate (si / sau grotesc)... imi aduce aminte de noaptea de sabat cand vrajitoarele danseaza in Simfonia Fantastica al lui Berlioz. Un autre jour rate... textul este foarte deprimant... dar adevarat si bun... insa ascultand melodia... ma vad in bratele barbatului iubit, dansam incet, lipiti unul de altul, foarte senzual, ne sarutam... este un contrast intre ce spune textul si ce spune muzica... Hey Buddy 2 ... nu prea stiu ce sa spun, interesanta prelucrare... Don't lose your shadow... inca sunt nehotarata... She doesn't wear hooves... Imi place mult mai mult textul decat melodia... De asemenea cred ca ai o voce frumoasa si nu ar trebui sa o ascunzi... prea este dominat de instrument. Toata lumea care mi-a vizitat atelierul de cand am caseta ta, a avut parte de o auditie.
}}} I realize from your Internet page how talented you are... and I'd read with pleasure more of what you've written... I like the music of "Double Square"... it has a certain graveness and is unlike anything usual. The lyrics have astrological references that exceed me. Despite that, I think music is in harmony with the lyrical content... that is it has something New Age, paranormal, celestial... I don't know if I can manage to explain exactly what I feel. "Don't Call Me a Jerk"... I like both the music and the lyrics. Again unusual... The melody has a certain malice (and/or grotesque)... it reminds me of the Sabbath night when the witches dance in Berlioz's "Symphonie Fantastique". "Un Autre Jour Rate" (Another Wasted Day) ... the lyrics are very depressing... but true and good... while listening to the melody I picture myself in the arms of my beloved man, we dance slowly, stuck to each other, very sensually, we kiss... it's contrast between what the text says and what the music says... "Hey Buddy 2"... I don't really know what to say, interesting re-working... "Don't Lose Your Shadow"... I'm undecided yet... "She Doesn't Wear Hooves"... I like better the lyrics than the tune... I also believe you have a beautiful voice and you shouldn't hide it... it is too dominated by the instruments. Everybody having visited my workshop since I had your cassette, had their share of listening.

Name (+ City, Country) :   nelly USA
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  Dear Sorin, I like your songs. I did not waste my day by listening them. Infact, you made my day. I wish you succes. Love, nell'immensita.

Name (+ City, Country) :   oana stefanescu (buc)
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  Sa stii ca m-am uitat pe site de prima data cand mi-ai scris. Si mi-a placut. Muzica nu am ascultat-o pentru ca nu am reusit sa o descarc. Daca imi trimiti un sample, am sa o ascult si o sa-ti trimit un e-mail cu parerea mea.
}}} Know that I looked over your site the first time you wrote me. And I liked it. I didn't manage to listen to the music because I couldn't download it. If you send me a sample, I shall listen to it and I'll email my opinion.

Name (+ City, Country) :   Donna Knight (Ca, USA)
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  I checked out your page. It's very interesting and very impressive. It's nice to see someone who isn't afraid to tell others about himself-- even nicer when you're such an interesting person.

Name (+ City, Country) :   Monica Andrei
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
  Hi Sorin, La cate am citit despre tine parca te-as sti de ceva timp. Nice to meet you. Monica
}}} Hi, Sorin, I read so much about you that it feels like I've been knowing you for some time. Nice to meet you.

Name (+ City, Country) :   iren (Braila)
Email :
All-times favourite song :
  frumoasa mea
Comment :
}}} Hi.

Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment :
}}} Congratulations for the page and keep it up. Ciao.

Name (+ City, Country) :   CAMELIA,,QATAR
Email :
All-times favourite song :
  no scrub
Comment :


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