WELCOME! to The Michael Jackson International Anti Defamation Website. BIENVENIDO(A)! al Website de Anti Difamación de Michael Jackson Quotes Worth Reading:
"There was this safe that no one could open. They had a locksmith come -- all these different people trying to open up this safe. It took them the whole day to try to get it open. But the funny thing about it was when they get it open, the only thing they found was the directions on how to open up the safe." Thursday, 27 January 2005 By John Karrys Here is a thought that mainstream media is definitely afraid to consider or explore. Any person who loves his country needs to face these daunting questions. What if Michael Jackson is innocent and has been innocent all this time, think how easily this could happen to you? Is it possible that certain members of the state, in collusion with special interests, campaigned these lies for political or economic ambitions? Would this be the first time such a thing has happened? What do you think the motivating factors were to prosecute Martha Stewart? I still haven’t found any person try to persuade me that that case was a demonstration of justice. I wonder what kind of promotions or appointments those prosecutors got. These are your public servants. Another corollary question, that is gaining momentum and is beginning to shape the constitutional landscape for this century: Is the enforcement of the Constitution selective? Martha Stewart went to jail for lying to prosecutors about a non-crime. Does anything happen to prosecutors if they lie to its citizens? Does anything happen when prosecutors bribe or intimidate witnesses to produce false testimony? How about when they steal property? Am I supposed to believe that they are breaking the laws in order to enforce them? I love the US Constitution. It is the real bible academics want faded away. It is jet fuel for the freedom and rights we can never take for granted. Ladies and gentleman, this is not a rubber stamp cliché. If you’ve been raised, like I have, that values matter and that a strong morality is crucial to being a good person, a good mother or a good father, then, when living in a community, legally, an ethical code of behaviour must be followed, by all, and legal retribution must ensue if you break those laws. In this constitutional republic, that we call America, this loyalty needs be applied to everyone regardless if they hold a government position or not. Like Judge Napolitano says, "If government crimes are not checked, our Constitution will be meaningless." Law enforcement in the Michael Jackson case have yet to be scrutinized to the full extent as he has. There is a lazy prevalent assumption, from public relations experts, that a "guilty" Michael Jackson brings more media attention as opposed to an innocent one. What about the possibility that it is the prosecutor’s office who is guilty of committing multiple crimes? If this is true, Americans, from sea to shining sea, for the most part, would love to see that story played out because it’s been happening in their communities for some time now; Rural, suburban or urban. The credible and growing literature on this topic has made it mainstream. I’d bet the house that attention on this has a wider appeal. It’s relevant to their experiences. We’ll see. If Michael Jackson has been innocent all this time, could there be criminal charges filed against those responsible for massaging these charges? Shouldn’t there be? Even as Martha prepares to make her comeback and deliver her own style of retribution, there still needs to be massive pressure and action to check government misconduct. You may dislike both Martha and Michael, but, as a principled American, you have to support their right to pursue their life, however they wish, following the same laws, as you or I, and be as outraged when their rights are clearly being violated as you would expect if it were to happen to you. The consequences of apathy is the sign of a nation that has been abused and forgets that it has. What differentiates America from the world is a constitution that checks governmental power at any level. The constitution, especially the Bill of Rights, has been molested by those kinds of people Thomas Jefferson kept worrying about. The masters of doubletalk: Giving government more power, license to break the law with immunities, to protect your freedom. You tell me, has the constitution been abused long enough? Please enjoy these informative and entertaining links:
-Quotes from Michael himself.