Winter Break Pictures, IUP 2003

Indiana, PA. Home of crazy weather.

This is Kara making a cage for her hypothetical unlawful bunny.

Cindy. We recently celebrated her 20th-some birthday.

With Jill in the office. She loves it.

With Abby before she left for break. PSORIASIS!!!

Rob being the general asshat he is.

Joe with the crazy-skank blues.

Jewstin. He wants a dreidel.

John behaving himself in the Caddy.

John not behaving himself outside the Caddy.


Party at Linz' - 12/11/2003

Me and Linz. She gave me a quart of Lager, bless her heart.

Cindy's a foo'. Timmy is in Georgia.

Courtney. Her eyes are shut because my camera's flash is a sick.

Jesse in a non-proselytizing night.

Jillian... I still think she hates me.

Joe. The master asshat.



Whispering obscenities into Linz' ear is fun.

Joe Cool.

Thanks, Linz.

Laura. Shit, I am running out of captions.

By the time the night was over, I was out of my element.

Binging at Culpeppers - 12/12/2003

Mat and Mel. She quit smoking over a year ago.


The Demon Spawn. Scrawny bitch.

I am a tool. Sorry.

I was drunk. The only excuse for this is me emulating the Goonies guy.

OK. No excuse for that. STOP SHORT!