Drifting into night, the wind carries the sounds of darkness.  Yet even darkness is void without light, so I stand as a beacon, unsure.  Rising shadows watch, whispering to each other unaware of my attentive ears, or of the questions I silently ask.  Wondering why it is they watch, only watch.  Why they keep at bay, hiding their perseity from me, keeping existence hidden.  Halcyon voices, they do not frighten, only confuse.  Confusion as to why they watch, why they will not let me in, or else, why they will not be seen; emerge from their dark curtain.  Part of me wanting to see, and know, and be taught.  Part of me wanting only to be left alone, knowing neither is the answer.  Seeking one who can join my world with his.  Perhaps then to connect me to the complex unity I am a part of by existence, while being with me still in the position in which I have been placed, and which has become yet another part of my perseity.  I listen when the curtain of night rises, enveloping me in a world of watchers, listeners, and I listen to their secretive whispers, and wait...
Words Unspoken
Dawnsa & Nathan: two people with a world of strength