Halloween 2004

Here are some of the pictures from this Halloween... I hope you enjoy them!

Aimee and I killing time before we went to 6th St. in Austin ~ we were waiting for Amish and Michelle to finish getting ready!

Me at Amish's apt, wasting film... er... digital space

Our 6th street group pic taken before we left.
from left to right: Jacob (phantom of the opera), me (Strawberry Shortcake), Aimee ($2 hooker), Amish (Edward Scissorhands), Sabrina (black cat), Melissa (Greek Goddess), and Michelle (police officer)

Amish and I as we were walking to 6th

Strawberry Shortcake and Rainbow Brite

Ghostbusters were afraid of no ghosts as they cut loose at the Aquarium on Halloween night

Alvin, a Germany exchange student attending St. Edward's University in Austin - we met at the Aquarium on 6th street.

A pic of Aimee and I waiting for the restroom at the end of the night... we REALLY had to pee!!! The nice doorman took the pic for us... how kind!

Me - by the end of the night, I was dead, tired!