Welcome to Kevo's Kryptical Envelopement

Comin' Comin' Comin' Around...UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!!!

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Sup. I graduated Binghamton University (BA English) and now it's on to Grad school for an MAT in secondary education. Here we go again. Happy New Year...I'll update some things on here this month...nothin' crazy....YO CHECK OUT THE HOCKEY PAGE...NEW UPDATED PICS AND LINKS!!

[My Poems]--Poems have been added. Enjoy and I'd love to hear comments on them.

[World of Cigars]--A great hobbie of mine and I recommend it to all. Collecting them is just as nice as smoking them. Updates will include: pics, Kevo's Favorites, ratings.

[Kevo's Sports]New Pics...2003 Patchogue Medford Alumni Game...damn I'm gettin old...Thumbs.

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