*Celine Dion Special*

This has to be by far the best performance of *N Sync I've ever seen. It caused me to switch *N Syncers so you know its important. The guys were awesome. They sang Music Of My Heart and did a duet with Celine Dion. So what better way to do this then take it *N Syncer by *N Syncer.


He was sooo HOTT!!! I swear he had on JC's pants and Joey's shirt from the VH1 Concert. He looked soooo good! So if you haven't figured it out, I've switched to Justin. I know to my friends (Katie, Daniela) it may seem like I don't like him but I do. I was just hiding it. Sorry again Daniela. But he was just sooo HOTT!


Chris looked cute all around. His hair. His glasses. Oh-so-sophisticated. Cutie patootie.


Yes I know Joey used to be my most recent fav but he looked horrible! OK he really needs to change the hair. Its disgusting now. And the term Ronald McDonald does describe him well. He just looked dirty. Ok enough.


Lance's hair. He needs a haircut. Badly! But he still looked good.


JC looked like an angel. He just had this glow to him and i will admit he looked gorgeous! On a side note I still didn't have a thought.

On the other hand, Gloria Estefan and Celine Dion were pretty cool. The best part w/ them was the conga thing and Gloria Estefan brought out the Miami Sound Machine (her old group). Personally I loved it.

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