*JC's Real Bio*

Here's the JC we know.

Name: Joshua Scott Chasez
Birthday: August 8, 1976
Nicknames: Mr. Serious For me personally the anal one and SHHH-Zay!
Birthplace: Washington D.C., Maryland
Living: Orlando, Florida
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Car: Jeep
Parents: Mom- Karen Dad- Roy
Siblings: Sister: Heather Brother: Tyler
Fav Food: Chinese
Fav Drink: Water
Fav Musicians: Brian McKnight, Seal, Sting
Hates: Liars

Now isn't he a well reserved little boy. F**k that onto the real stuff.

Name: Skip Scottie Smith, IV
Birthday: August 8, 1955 2 words: Buddy Holly
Nicknames: Slugger, Skippie
Birthplace: In Church during his parents' 8th mass of the day
Living: Pleasantville, Wisconsin
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Car: 57 Chevy Pretty nifty huh?
Parents: Mom- Sally Dad- Skip III
Siblings: Sister: Susie
Fav Food: Mom's casserole
Fav Drink: Ovaltine
Fav Musicians: Buddy Holly He's one cool cat
Hates: Running out of hair spray

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