*Lance on 7th Heaven*

If you did not catch this wonderful event (I know that sounded corny but o well) u gotta see it!! Well lemme give u a run down on the whole thing.

Alright Lance plays Rick Palmer, Mary's bf's brother, and Mary can't go out with him by herself. So she gets Lucy to double date with Lance. So when they get to the house Lance sees Lucy and is like "Wow!". It was hilarious! I love Lance! And so they go to a movie, and since Mary and her bf were down each other's throats, Lance and Lucy went outside. They talked, and since Lance had a gf on the show (they never showed her) the date was completely platonic. Although they ended up making out for like the WHOLE second half of the show! I was like GO LANCE! GO LANCE! So i'm hoping Lance does a couple of more episodes.

Well that's all for 7th Heaven. Stay *N SYNC!!

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