*Support Joey*

Ok I'm tired of Joey being the least liked *N Syncer. Every page I go to now has somethin like this.

Name: Amy
Age: 10 and a half almost 11
Fav *N Syncer: JUUUUSSSTIINNN!!!!!!
Why: Becuz he's sooo HOTT!!!!!! And I LOVE HIM!!!
Least Fav: Joey eww
Why: Becuz he's the fat-one and he's really icky.
Comments: Joey is NOT fat. That boy has muscle! I dunno bout ya'll but JuJu might have been popping those steroids when he was younger but I'll stop there cuz I can just feel the hate mail coming.

Ok when I see this I just wanna smack the hell out of these girls. The way I see it is that you love em all or you don't love em at all. I still don't see what the hell is so great about that damn bleach boy?! All he has is the face and the bod. Joey has the bod! Joey has the cutest face. Example below.

So if you agree with me that Joey deserves more attention and more fans then paste this banner on your pages.

Copy the code below and replace the [] with <>.

[a href="http://geocities.datacellar.net/SunsetStrip/Vine/9268"]
[img src="http://geocities.datacellar.net/SunsetStrip/Vine/9268/supportjoey.jpg"]

Thanx you guys. Stay *N SYNC!

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