*TRL - October 6th*

OK I'm sure everyone saw TRL on Oct. 6th. Well here's just a few lil things that went on just in case you missed it.

Justin's hair! Yep he changed colors yet again. I swear by the time that boy reaches 22 he'll be bald. Also his head looked HUGE for some reason. It did. I don't care if any of you Justin fans out there disagree but it was HUMONGOUS!!! But anywayz enough of him.

On to JC. No problems there. He looked normal. His hair was a decent color and decently CUT!

CHRIS!!!!!!!! My sweetheart looked SO DAMN FINE!!! He had on a hat that said *N SUCK. It was pretty funny. But he looked sooo FINE!!

Lance dyed his hair all blond. He let it grow out. But he did look really cute.

Joey's hair was blinding me. Good thing he had on a hat (Superman of course). His beard was a lil darker than usual too.

But overall they all looked SEXY! Even after all of what I've said they looked good. But I think after Chris got his braids taken out, the barber was too tired to do Justin, Lance, or Joey. Well that's all for TRL. Stay *N Sync!

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