...Escape into milky nimbus blurry eyed light headed...
To erase dreams, memory, vision...a permanent amnesia which forgoes responsibility, the enemy of freedom...
The kind of people that think girls want to be picked up at any time of the day, and especially the ones who think a girl doesn't mind if he grabs her butt when she walks by.
Soccer Hooligans
For some reason, people like to beat eachother up because the soccerclub of their town has lost a soccermatch. Actually I mean everyone who beats up somebody for no reason. How low can you go?
Ignorant People
The kind that tells stories about things they don't know nothing about. The kind that judges people on their first impression without even talking to them. And talking behind peoples backs, come on! Tell it straight in the face, what the use of being dodgy?
You know what I am talking about here. WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
People who try to tell you how to live, what to eat, what to drink, how to dress, and who you should like or dislike.
Look at yourself before you tell somebody what to do, everyone is different.
Anti Feminists
People who claim that feminists are automatically manhaters.
People that don't even listen for a word to what is said and feel threatened by the whole feminists thing and in reverse start telling stupid made up stories about feminists c.q. Riot Grrrls. It is not reverse sexism, it is not manhate, it is about equality and about equal opportunities in any field whatsoever.
"Real People"
People who for some reason claim to be more "real" than others, wether it is in the punk, metal or whatever scene, and therefor exclude them.