(Laurel Aitken)
Recorded in Ken Khouri's Fedral Studio, Kingston the summer 1963. Laurel Aitken - vocals, Tommy McCook - tenor sax, Lester Sterling - alto sax, Baba Brooks - trumpet, Jah Jerry - guitar, Lloyd Brevett - string bass, Lloyd Knibb - drums, Gladdy Anderson - keyboards. Jamaican single on the King Edwards label. UK single (Rio R-11) with Devil Woman by Bobby Aitken on the b-side, 1963. Produced by Laurel Aitken.
Songindex [0-9] [ABC] [DEF] [GHI] [JKL] [MNO] [PQRS] [TUV] [WXYZ]
Last updated: 2003-02-11