(P. Tosh, N. Livingston)
The following musicians contributes to the Legalize It album: Carlton Barrett - drums, Santa - drums, Aston Barrett - bass, Robbie Shakespeare - bass and harps, Tyrone Downey - keyboards, Peter Tosh - vocal, background vocal, keyboards and reggae guitar, Rita Marley - background vocal, Judy Mowatt - background vocal, Bunny Wailer - background vocal, Al Anderson - lead guitar, Ras Lee - harps. Recorded at Treasure Isle and Randy's, Kingston, Jamaica, 1975. Produced by Peter Tosh.
Recorded live at the Sanders Theater, Camebridge, Ma., USA, November 26, 1976. Peter Tosh - lead vocal and guitar, Sly Dunbar - drums, Robbie Shakespeare - bass, Earl &"Wire" Lindo - keyboards, Errol "Tarzan" Nelson - keyboards, Al Anderson - guitar, Donald Kinsey - guitar. Produced by Jerry Rappaport.
Recorded live at the One Love Peace Concert in Kingston, Jamaica on Saturday, April 22, 1978. Robbie Lynn - keyboards, Keith Sterling - keyboards, Al Anderson - guitar, Mikey Chung - guitar, Robbie Shakespeare - bass, Sly Dunbar - drums.
Recorded in the mid-seventies. Produced by Tommy Cowan. Time: 3:32.
Recorded at Harry J's Studio. Musicians on the Sings The Wailers album: Bunny Wailer - voices, Robbie Shakespeare - bass, Sly Dunbar - drums, Earl (Chinna) Smith - guitar, K. Sterling - keyboards, W. Wright - keyboards, H. Bennett - horns, D. Fraser - horns, Nambo - horns, Sticky - percussion. Produced by Bunny Wailer.
Songindex [0-9] [ABC] [DEF] [GHI] [JKL] [MNO] [PQRS] [TUV] [WXYZ]
Last updated: 2003-12-14