A.k.a. Enjoy It (Enjoy Yourself).
Produced by Prince Buster. Time: 3:03.
Recorded at Horizon Studios, Coventry, UK. Terry Hall - vocals, Neville Staples - vocals & percussion, Lynval Golding - guitar, Roddy Radiation - guitar, Jerry DDammers - organ & piano, Sir Horace Gentleman - bass, John Bradbury - drums, Rico Rodriguez - trombone, Dick Cuthell - flugel horn & cornet, Belinda, Charlotte & Jane (The Go-Go's) - backing vocals. Produced Jerry Dammers and Dave Jordan.
Reprise. Recorded at Horizon Studios, Coventry, UK. Terry Hall - vocals, Neville Staples - vocals & peercussion, Lynval Golding - guitar, Roddy Radiation - guitar, Jerry Dammers - organ & piano, Sir Horace Gentleman - bass, John Bradbury - drums, Rico Rodriguez - trombone, Dick Cuthell - flugel horn & cornet, Belinda, Charlotte & Jane (The Go-Go's) - backing vocals. Produced Jerry Dammers and Dave Jordan.
Recorded live at Montreaux Jazz Festival in Switzerland, 8th July, 1995. Neville Staples - vocals, Lynval Golding - guitar & vocals, Roddy Radiation - guitar & vocals, Horace Panter - bass, Aitch Benbridge - drums, Mark Adams - keyboards, Adam Birch - trombone. Produced by Roger Lomas.
Songindex [0-9] [ABC] [DEF] [GHI] [JKL] [MNO] [PQRS] [TUV] [WXYZ]
Last updated: 2003-10-31