Freedom Sound

(T. McCook)

The Skatalites, 1983

Recorded live at The Blue Monk Jazz Gallery, Kingston, Jamaica, June 27, 1983. Tommy McCook - tenor sax, Roland Alphonso - tenor saxophone, Lester Sterling - alto saxophone, Johnny "Dizzy" Moore - trumpet, Jackie Mittoo - piano, Jah Jerry - guitar, Lloyd Brevett - acoustic bass, Lloyd Knibb - drums. Added musicians: Arnold Breckenridge - trumpet, "Bubbles" Cameron - trombone. Produced by Herbie Miller.

The Skatalites, 1996

Recorded live during their European Ska Splash tour sometime between October 16 and November 23, 1996. Time: 8:27.

The Skatalites, 1997

Lloyd Knibb - drums, Lloyd Brevett - electric upright bass, Roland Alphonso - tenor saxophone, Lester Sterling - alto saxophone, Nathan Breedlove - trumpet, Will Clark - trombone, Devon James - guitar, Bill Smith - piano & organ. Special guest: Ernest Ranglin - guitar. Solos: Roland Alphonso, Nathaan Breedlove, Will Clark, Lester Sterling, Ernest Ranglin, Bill Smith and Devon James. Recorded in New York in March 1997. Produced by Nathan Breedlove, Bill Smith, Shay & The Skatalites.

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Last updated: 2002-06-13