Guava Jelly

(B. Marley)

Covered by Barbara Streisand on her Butterfly album, October 1974.

The Wailers

Recorded late 1970/71. Produced by The Wailers. Time: 2:17.

Bob Marley, 1971

Part of a acoustic medley recorded in Stockholm, Sweden during the summer of 1971. The other songs in the medley are: This Train, Cornerstone, Comma Comma, Dewdrops, Stir It Up and I'm Hurting Inside. Time: 12:09.

Johnny Nash, 1972

Recorded in London, England. Single with There Are More Qs Than As on the b-side, 1972. Produced by Johnny Nash. Time: 3:14.

Owen Gray

Recorded in the mid-seventies. Time: 2:56.

The Wailers Band, 1976

Instrumental version. Recorded at Harry J Studios during breaks and between sessions of the Rastaman Vibration sessions. Carlton Barrett - drums, Aston Barrett - bass & percussion, Tyrone Downie - keyboards, Lloyd "Guitsy" Wills - guitar, Alvin Patterson - percussion. Released on a very limited scale in Jamaica in 1976. Produced by Lloyd Willis.

The Wailers Band, 1976

Dub version. Recorded at Harry J Studios during breaks and between sessions of the Rastaman Vibration sessions. Carlton Barrett - drums, Aston Barrett - bass & percussion, Tyrone Downie - keyboards, Lloyd "Guitsy" Wills - guitar, Alvin Patterson - percussion. Released on a very limited scale in Jamaica in 1976. Produced by Lloyd Willis.

The Fab Five Inc

Recorded in the mid-seventies. Time: 5:01.

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Last updated: 2003-10-06