(F. Hibbert)'
A tribute to Bob Marley.
Recorded live at Reggae Sunsplash, August 4 1982, at Jarrett Park, Montego Bay, Jamaica. Toots Hibbert - lead vocal, Jackie Jackson - bass, Paul Douglas - drums, Hux Brown - rhythm guitar, Carl Harvey - lead guitar, Winston Wright - keyboards, Harold Butler - keyboards. Produced by Les Souci.
The first part of the same recording. Produced by Les Souci. Time: 1:32.
Another part of the same recording. Produced by Les Souci. Time: 4:54.
Songindex [0-9] [ABC] [DEF] [GHI] [JKL] [MNO] [PQRS] [TUV] [WXYZ]
Last updated: 2003-01-12