Maga Dog


A.k.a. Mawga Dog. Tosh also did it over in 1971 and 1972.

The Wailers, 1964

Peter Tosh on lead. UK single (Island WI 212) with Hooligan on the a-side, August 1965. Produced by C.S. Dodd.

Winston Scotland

DJ-version is called Skanky Dog. Produced by Joe Gibbs. Time: 2:43.

Bunny Flip

DJ-version is called Maingy Dog. Produced by Joe Gibbs. Time: 3:02.

Joe Gibbs & The Love Generation

Instrumental version is called Fat Dog. Produced by Joe Gibbs. Time: 2:59.

Peter Tosh, 1983

Recorded at Dynamic Sounds, Kingston, JA. Produced by Peter Tosh and Chris Kimsey.

The Specials, 1996

Produced by Neville Staple & Backyard Productions.

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Last updated: 2003-01-12