(Frederick Hibbert)
The following musicians contributes to the Ska Father album: Family Man Barrett, Jackie Jackson, Mikey Chung - bass, Winston Grennan - drums, Paul Douglas - drums, Rad Ryan, Hux Brown, Carl Harvey - guitar, Winston Wright, Robbie Lyn, Harold Butler - keyboard, Skully, Carrot, Toots - percussion, Dean Frasier, Nambo Robinson, David Madden, Johnny Moore, Leba Hibbert, Raliegh Gordon, Jerry Mathias, Toots - backing vocals.
Dub version of the recording above.
Songindex [0-9] [ABC] [DEF] [GHI] [JKL] [MNO] [PQRS] [TUV] [WXYZ]
Last updated: 2001-01-16