(Bob Marley)
Recorded between late January and early February 1977 in Island's Basing Street Studio in London, UK. Bob Marley - lead vocal, rhythm guitar, acoustic guitar & percussion, Aston "Familyman" Barrett - Fender bass, guitar & percussion, Carlton Barrett - drums & percussion, Tyrone Downie - keyboards, percussion & backing vocal, Alvin "Secco" Patterson - percussion, Julian (Junoir) Marvin - lead guitar, I-Three - backing vocals. Appeard on the album Exodus, released June 3, 1977. Produced by Bob Marley & The Wailers. Time 3.39.
Songindex [0-9] [ABC] [DEF] [GHI] [JKL] [MNO] [PQRS] [TUV] [WXYZ]
Last updated: 2002-05-28