Wet Dream

(Max Romero)

Max Romeo, 1969

Gladstone Anderson on organ, Aston ‘Family Man’ Barrett on bass, Leroy ‘Horsemouth’ Wallace on drums and Ronnie ‘Bop’ Williams on guitar. Produced by Bunny Lee. Voiced at Studio One. UK single (Unity 503) with She's But A Little Girl on the b-side, 1969. The rhythm track laid at Treasure Isle is also used by Derrick Morgan for his Hold Your Jack.

Dave Barker

DJ version called Wet Version using the same rhythm track. Time: 2:46.

The Inspirations

Time: 2:32.

Dag Vag, 1980

Named Blöt Dröm with Swedish lyrics by Stig Vig. Recorded December 1980 at Studio Decibel B, Stockholm, released February 1981.

The Selecter, 1994

Live recording named Sweet Dreams (Live).

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Last updated: 2004-05-17